The Erotic Charm of smelling good

I send you perfume fresh as dew
So that, whenever you may groom
Your body, it will breathe, and you
Will perfume the perfume.  Greek Anthology

Bathing was very important to the Greeks and Romans.  They wrote songs and
poems about the importance of bathing and smelling good.  The ancient
civilizations recognized that it was important to bathe and to smell good for
health and sensuality.

In "the good old days," most people did not bathe and change their clothes as
often as we do today. Taking a bath once a week may have been the way the
person did things in his or her home.  Bathing as a daily routine has become
the normal custom  in American society.  Because most people bathe every day,
we are more aware of the sense of body odor.  It is important to get into a
routine to bathe daily and put on clean, and fresh smelling clothes.  
Smelling good is part of sensuality.

As one grows older sometimes it may be difficult to bathe.  Your concerns may
• Fear of falling
• Depression, that often causes a lack of interest in personal care.
• Presence of an illness.
• Temperature of the  water or room that is uncomfortable.
• Difficulty to undress
• Unable to do the extra laundry if you bathe daily.
• Fatigue

Here are Tips and Techniques for sensual bathing:
Before you start to bathe check to see if your bathroom is safe. Provide
support such as handrails by the shower, toilet, and bathtub. Get a bench
that is made specifically for the shower and bath to sit on. Have a non-slip
bath mat, do not use a regular bath towel or rug on the floor. Put your
answering machine on so you do not have to run to answer the phone while you
are bathing. If you are alone in your home and concerned about safety call
someone and tell them that you are bathing now and to call you back.  Give
them a time when you expect to be finished. Make sure you have adequate
lighting in your bathroom.  Keep the bath area safe by removing all
electrical appliances and unlock the bathroom door.

Have everything ready ahead of time –– bath water, towels, clothes, etc.
Going back and forth to get things may cause an accident

If you are tired, bathe after you are well rested.

It maybe easier to shower than to take a bath –– it's easier and feels
safer.  If you use a tub, fill it with four to six inches of water.

To wash your hair get a hose/spray attachment to make rinsing easier.

Use mild soaps and shampoos.  Do not use slippery oils or bubble bath.

Listen to the sound and feel of the shower.  Enjoy the soothing relaxation of
the water.  Take your time to enjoy the sensual feeling of the water.

Make your bathing time an important time for you.  If possible find a partner
to help make your bathing more interesting and fun.  Bathing everyday, you
will have the natural delicious smell of perfume from your sensual body.